About Linda
Linda has been a Nurse since 1984, and a Registered Nurse since 2000. She holds advanced certification as a Certified Correctional Health Care Registered Nurse, through the National Commission on Correctional Health Care. Linda has developed the specific skills necessary in a wide range of nursing disciplines. This allows her to provide a global perspective to the standards and quality of nursing care, as well as application to the Correctional Health Care process. Linda has 20 years of correctional healthcare experience which includes the titles of: Staff Nurse, Director of Nursing, Health Service Administrator, Regional Manager, Junior Vice President of Operations, and interim Vice President of a ten facility Regional Jail System, as well as an eleven facility Juvenile System. This extensive experience can be beneficial to any client – whether they be Plaintiff or Defense. Linda is a legal nurse consultant you can trust.

Linda Bernard, RN, LNC, CCHP-RN
662 Ridge Road, Hastings, Pennsylvania 16646
Cell: (814) 932-9695
email: LB@LindaBernardConsulting.com
Personal Statement
Registered nurse with vast experience in Correctional Health Care and Corporate Management, seeking to expand consulting interests.
Excelsior College Albany, NY
• Associates in Science (Nursing)
Employment with PrimeCare Medical, Incorporated – July 1997-November 2017
3940 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17109
- Junior Vice President of Operations—2011 to 2017
- Corporate representative in legal court cases
- Review and assessment of patient charts related to poor outcomes. Development and implementation of corrective action plan.
- Expansion of previous responsibilities
- Interim Vice President of West Virginia Operations—2010-2011
- Statewide oversight of health care contract and operations in the Regional Jail and Juvenile Services systems
- Regional Manager
- Recruitment and training of medical staff, to include physicians, MH, nursing, etc., for eight county correctional facilities, and one juvenile detention center
- Establishing local policies and procedures, and train staff in compliance
- Liaison between County, Facility, and Corporate staff.
- Contract Administrator 2002-2004
- Responsible for daily medical, mental health, and dental operations & administration of healthcare of county correctional facility
- Training of correctional and medical staff
- Monitoring compliance of contracted services
- Cost Management
- Obtained and maintained National Commission on Correctional Health Care accreditation when applicable
- Maintaining American Correctional Association Certification when applicable
- Mortality Review
- Nursing Supervisor 1997-2002
- Performed duties in all aspects of correctional nursing
- Medication pass, sick call, patient education, respond to emergencies, provider lines, coordination of services, etc.
- Infection Control, Medical Records, Staff Meetings, Scheduling, respond to patient grievances, etc.
- Supervision of medical staff
- Performed duties in all aspects of correctional nursing
Related Interests
- Pro Se Prisoner Mediation Group of the Western District of Pennsylvania
- Certified Correctional Health Care Professional Registered Nurse